social sweethearts GmbH ئاپەکان

Your Christmas Tree 2014 1.1.9
social sweethearts GmbH
This is your friends’ official christmas tree! Make them a gift nowand put something under their tree.That’s how you do it:1. Download this app for FREE2. Sign in with your Facebook account3. Choose a gift4. Write a short message5. Put the gift under the christmas tree!Over a million gifts have already been made this year! Make yourfriends a gift now! And the best part of it: as soon as you’ve sentyour gift, you get your very own christmas tree, where YOUR friendscan put their gifts. This is completely for free! What are waitingfor? Download the christmas tree-app on your phone for free! Makeyour friends a gift.
Daily Horoscope 2.1.3
social sweethearts GmbH
With * Love Horoscope * you will know always,everywhere and totally free what the stars reveal about you. Inseveral sections you'll be able to see what the day has planned foryou.This app offers you four different kinds of horoscopes. Updateddaily, absolutely free and perfectly tailored to your own sign ofthe zodiac.* Daily Horoscope *Will it be a good day today? Will I experience somethingspecial? For what should I prepare myself?* Love Horoscope *Will I be meeting someone special today? Is anyone in love withme?Is everything fine in my relationship?* Work Horoscope *Will there be lots of work today? Will I be promoted? Will Ihave a productive day?* Health Horoscope *Will I feel fit today? Maybe I can expect a day of well-being!:)_________So many questions you ask yourself every day - this FREE appgives you all the answers! The horoscopes are created daily for youby experienced and reputable astrologers, especially suited to yourstar sign!... and in case you should forget your horoscope once, LoveHoroscope also features a handy reminder. Completely free ofcharge.Have a look at what your own astrological sign reveals or what'sgoing on with your friends and family. Whether you're Libra,Scorpio or Leo - you can easily switch back and forth between thezodiac signs.Connect to your Facebook account: This way you'll get your ownperfectly individualized horoscope! If you received a horoscopethat makes you happy you can easily share it at any time with yourFacebook friends.- With this great app you'll have the power of the stars in yourpocket! -Install it now and totally free on your mobile phone!
Birthday Calendar 2.1.2
social sweethearts GmbH
The FULL VERSION of the most popular birthdaycalendar is now available for your Android for FREE!NEVER FORGET A FRIEND’S BIRTHDAY AGAIN!✓ 100% free, 100% data protection!✓ Full version (not a limited lite version!)✓ the birthdays of all your cell phone contacts✓ automatic reminder by Push-NotificationAlready used by millions of users!✓ Text birthday greetings directly✓ Add, edit and delete birthdays✓ Set the time for your birthday reminders✓ Text birthday greetings directly~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With this free app, you’ll never again forget a birthdays offriends and acquaintances! You can also import the birthdays you’vesaved to your address book.In the options, you can set if and when you should be remindedof upcoming birthdays. The reminder will be sent conveniently byPush-Notification to your Android – at a time and date in advanceselected by you.The birthday calendar is 100% free and very easy to use.Make your friends happy when you wish them a Happy Birthday!
Gossip 1.1.6
social sweethearts GmbH
Mädels aufgepasst! Hier gibt es heißen Gossip direkt auf’sSmartphone! Mit dieser App erfährst du die süßesten Geheimnisse unddie besten News aus deiner Umgebung. Du hast selbst gerade etwasBrandneues erfahren? Schnell posten und Punkte von der Communityabsahnen! Keine Sorge, Gossip ist absolut anonym!Egal ob lustig, peinlich oder spannend – hier kannst du allessofort mit deiner Umgebung teilen und gleichzeitig die bestenGeständnisse und Gerüchte von anderen lesen. Pikante Detailsinklusive! Die Bedienung ist einfach und intuitiv.Jeder kann mitmachen! Aber wer du bist, erfährt natürlichkeiner! Werde Teil deiner Community. Gute Kommentare werden mitguten Bewertungen von der Community belohnt. Was dir nicht gefällt,kannst du schlecht bewerten. Sei engagiert und erhalte guteBewertungen für deine Klatsch und Tratsch-Postings auf Gossip!Perfekt für die Schule, genial in der Uni und unterhaltsam aufder Arbeit. Du bist neu in der Stadt? Mit dieser App kennst du dichschnell bestens aus und wirst 100 Prozent integriert.Probiert es aus, Mädels! You know you love me... XOXO, GossipGirlsbeware! There is hot directly on Gossip's smartphone! With this appyou will experience the sweetest secrets and the best news fromyour area. You've just learned something new fire yourself? QuickReport and skim points of the community! Do not worry, Gossip iscompletely anonymous! Whether funny, embarrassing or exciting - here you can shareeverything with your immediate environment and simultaneously readthe best confessions and rumors of others. Spicy Details Included!Operation is simple and intuitive.Everybody can participate! But who are you, of course, undergoesno! Become part of your community. Good comments will be rewardedwith good reviews from the community. What you do not like, you canrate poorly. Be involved and get good reviews for your gossippostings on Gossip!Perfect for school, awesome on campus and entertaining at work.You are new in town? With this app you do you quickly and willideally 100 percent integrated.  Try it out, girls! You know you love me ... XOXO, Gossip
NettApp 1.1.6
social sweethearts GmbH
Du willst dich integrieren und deine Nachbarnkennenlernen? Ganz einfach mit der NettApp! Sie ist deine lokalePinnwand. Jeder kann mitmachen! Du erfährst, was deineNachbarschaft gerade beschäftigt oder was um die Ecke geplant ist -direkt da, wo du bist!Du brauchst dringend ein bisschen Mehl? Du suchst die besteKneipe in der Nähe? Oder du willst einfach nur deinen Frust überdie Parksituation mit jemanden teilen? Das alles kannst du in derNettApp - und noch viel mehr! Du kannst posten und kommentieren,was auch immer dir auf dem Herzen liegt. Diese App hilft dir beimErkunden deiner Umgebung, fördert die Nachbarschafthilfe underlaubt dir Freude und Ärger mit anderen Anwohnern zu teilen, duentscheidest. In Zukunft verpasst du kein Straßenfest mehr und bistsofort zu 100 Prozent in deiner Nachbarschaft integriert. Egal, wodu bist - mit der NettApp tauscht du dich überall mit deinerUmgebung aus.Sie zeigt dir die aktuellsten Kommentare von anderen Nutzern umdich herum an und erlaubt dir, selbst Fragen, Kommentare oderBerichte zu posten - wenn du willst bleibst du dabei absolutanonym.Gute Kommentare werden dann mit guten Bewertungen von derCommunity belohnt. Sei engagiert und erhalte positive Bewertungenfür deine Posts!Egal, ob du neu in der Stadt bist, oder ob du einfach nur einensimplen Weg suchst um mit deinen Nachbarn ins Gespräch zu kommen -die NettApp hilft dir!You want to integrate youand your neighbors to know? It's easy with the NettApp! She's yourlocal bulletin board. Everybody can participate! You learn whatyour neighborhood busy or what is planned around the corner - rightwhere you are!You urgently need a bit of flour? Looking for the best pub inthe neighborhood? Or you just want to share only your frustrationabout the parking situation with someone? All this you can in theNettApp - and much more! You can post and comment on whatever's onyour heart. This app helps you explore your environment thatencourages mutual aid and allows you to share joy and anger withother residents, you decide. In the future you will miss no morestreet festival and are immediately integrated 100 percent in yourneighborhood. No matter where you are - with the NettApp youexchanged you anywhere with your surroundings.It shows you the latest comments from other users around you andallows you to post themselves questions, comments or reports - ifyou want you to stay here completely anonymous.Good comments are then rewarded with good reviews from thecommunity. Be engaged and getting positive reviews for yourposts!Whether you're new to the city, or if you simply just lookingfor a simple way to talk about with your neighbors - the NettApphelp you!
Photos of my friends
social sweethearts GmbH
Don’t miss any of the new photos of yourfriends!Stay up-to-date with the FREE iPhone app – Photos of my friends!The best way to complete your Facebook-app experience. This appshouldn’t be missing from your iPhone!- the holiday photos of your friends- all the photos of the last party- all the funny photos of the last yearsThere hasn’t been such an app till now! You’ ll be notifiedevery time that your friends post new photos on Facebook. You’ll beable to see the photos in the best resolution right on your iPhone.Scroll through the greatest memories of your friends – the photosare loaded automatically!Cool, hot, crazy! Rate the photos of your friends just with aclick. Which of your friends’ photos look cool, hot or crazy? Havefun and tell your friends which are your fave photos!Facebook is a must! This app is working only in connection withFacebook. Simply connect with Facebook and the new photos of yourfriends will be downloaded in the app. The photos are portrayed inan amazing clear resolution. This app shouldn’t be missing fromyour iPhone!
Ask angel 1.7.1
social sweethearts GmbH
It is your personal guardian angel and blessesyou with quotes of wisdom. You have a problem, a wish or simply aquestion that you want to ask? Just type your request directly inthis app. A moment later, the angel will send you some advice.Whatever it is that is bothering you, this app will help andsupport you. This guardian angel protects you and has an answer toany question. Your angel will inspire you, advise you and protectyou every day. The app ASK ANGEL is entertaining, smart and can beencouraging.
What am I? 1.3.1
social sweethearts GmbH
"What Am I? The famous and most-loved Facebooktests, now available on your Android phone. Install now and do thefollowing tests:► What animal are you?► What color are you?We will ask you 10 questions. Please click on the answer thatapplies best to you. At the end of the test, we will tell you whichanimal corresponds to your personality.Absolutely free! The original! Over 10 million users already.Find out what you are now! :-)
Lovestruck in New York
social sweethearts GmbH
Mia is lovestruck in New York and urgentlyneeds your help! This app puts you in the middle of a love story,in which you make the decisions. A unique game experience inreal-time! Will Mia find the right person?The app tells the story of Mia, a single girl in the urbanjungle of New York. Dating is really not easy and when shediscovers her prince in a bar, she desperately needs some goodadvice. Luckily, she has YOU! Because you are suddenly her onlyreachable contact, she explains her situation to you. Now her lovelife is in your hands!Mia's messages reach you directly from Manhattan in real time.You have a choice: answer immediately or at a later date. Mia asksyou questions and your answers will decide how she proceeds.Should she ask him for his number or not? How long should shewait until she can call him? And where will their next date takeplace?Lovestruck in New York is a captivating, funny and romantic storyabout the perfect kiss and great love. Hot dates and unexpectedtwists guaranteed! Mia is depending on you ...Can you guide her to a happy ending?
Flip Flap Marius 1.1
social sweethearts GmbH
Save Marius the giraffe! Bring Marius tohisnew zoo - before he gets thrown to be eaten by the lions.★ Do you like Flappy Bird? ★ Then you will loveFlappyMarius!❶ Make way for Marius through the narrow fence posts.❷ If you do not make it, then Marius will be given food tothelions.Based on the famous game principle Flappy Bird, you mustnavigateMarius through the narrow fence posts. But be warned thatMarius isstill too young and inexperienced. Moving him to his newzoo willnot be child's play.How far can you bring Flappy Marius?————— The background ———————Our goal is to spread the word about the fate of Marius,thegiraffe in Denmark. He was slaughtered by the director of hiszoo,even though he was perfectly healthy! After that the pooranimalwas fed to the lions.Even if this app sounds macabre, it is there for a goodreason!At the end of each game, we ask the user to make a donationto ananimal protection organization. We hope that you rate thisgame andspread the word - so that we can all together collectmanydonations to help the animals in need.Only with an app that can draw the attention - even in amacabreway - it is possible to collect many donations! So let ushelp theanimals in need. This is how you can support us:❶ Rate the app with ★★★★★ (5 stars)❷ Recommend this app to your friendsTogether we can make it and collect many donations!
Oval Office Down 1.2.3
social sweethearts GmbH
This interactive story leads you directly tothe center of the White House and directly to the President of theUnited States. He is in great danger and the only one he can trustis you! Keep the president safe by uncovering his enemies andeliminating the threat.The interactive story sends the messages to your device inreal-time and you will be drawn to the pace of the story right fromthe beginning.This new game of social sweethearts GmbH's story-teller projects isthrilling and full of suspense and will keep you on the edge ofyour seat!
Lovestruck in New York Free 1.0.2
social sweethearts GmbH
Mia is lovestruck in New York and urgentlyneeds your help! This app puts you in the middle of a love story,in which you make the decisions. A unique game experience inreal-time! Will Mia find the right person?The app tells the story of Mia, a single girl in the urbanjungle of New York. Dating is really not easy and when shediscovers her prince in a bar, she desperately needs some goodadvice. Luckily, she has YOU! Because you are suddenly her onlyreachable contact, she explains her situation to you. Now her lovelife is in your hands!Mia's messages reach you directly from Manhattan in real time.You have a choice: answer immediately or at a later date. Mia asksyou questions and your answers will decide how she proceeds.Should she ask him for his number or not? How long should shewait until she can call him? And where will their next date takeplace?Lovestruck in New York is a captivating, funny and romantic storyabout the perfect kiss and great love. Hot dates and unexpectedtwists guaranteed! Mia is depending on you ...Can you guide her to a happy ending?
Yolo 1.6.7
social sweethearts GmbH
YOLO macht langweilige Uni zumsozialenVergnügen! Diese App ist deine digitale Pinnwand - immeraktuelldirekt aus deiner Umgebung. Sie zeigt dir die Kommentarevonanderen Nutzern an und du kannst selbst deine Meinung posten.Dabeibleibst du natürlich komplett anonym!Mit YOLO weißt du sofort, was abgeht und hast richtigSpaß.Lustige Neuigkeiten, irre Ideen oder sinnlose Gedanken machenYOLOzur unterhaltsamen App. Teile deine Erlebnisse jetzt mit denLeutenin deinem Umkreis. Keine Anmeldung erforderlich, jederKommentarist anonym. Der Chat lässt sich einfach und intuitivbedienen.Gute Kommentare werden mit guten Bewertungen von derCommunitybelohnt. Falls dir etwas nicht gefällt, kannst du esschlechtbewerten. Sei engagiert und erhalte gute Bewertungen fürdeineGedanken-Postings auf YOLO - dann werden deineKarma-Punktesteigen!Perfekt für deine Uni.Grandios für deine Schule.Unterhaltsam für deine Arbeit.Klasse geeignet in einer fremden Stadt.So hast du den meisten Spaß in jeder Situation!Einfach anmelden und mitmachen - 100% kostenlos. 100% anonym.100%um dich herum.YOLO makesboringuniversity for social pleasure! This app is your digital Wall-always up to date directly from your surroundings. She shows youtothe comments made by other users and you can even postyouropinion. In this course you will stay completely anonymous!With YOLO you know immediately what's going on and havefun.Funny news, mistaken ideas or pointless worry YOLO forentertainingapp. Share your experiences now with the people in yourdistrict.No registration required, any comment is anonymous. Thechat can beoperated easily and intuitively.Good comments will be rewarded with good reviews fromthecommunity. If you do not like, you can rate it poor. Beinvolvedand get good reviews for your thoughts postings on YOLO -then yourkarma points will increase!Perfect for your university.Terrific for your school.Fun for your work.Class suitable in a strange city.So you have the most fun in any situation!Just sign up and join in - 100% free. 100% anonymous. 100%aroundyou.
Adventskalender 1.0.6
social sweethearts GmbH
Dies ist der offizielle Adventskalendervondeinen Freunden! Mache jetzt Deinen Freunden ein Geschenk undlegeDeinen Freunden, Etwas unter ihrem Weihnachtsbaum.So geht's:1. Lade GRATIS diese App herunter2. Logge Dich mit Facebook ein3. Suche ein Geschenk-Symbol aus4. Schreibe einen kurzen Gruß-Text5. Lege das Geschenk in den Adventskalender!Über Millionen Geschenke wurden schon dieses Jahrverschenkt.Mache jetzt auch Deinen Freunden eine Freude! Und dasBeste: Sobalddu ein Geschenk abgeschickt hast, erhältst Du eineneigenenAdventskalender, wo dir DEINE Freunde Geschenkehinterlassenkönnen. Das alles ist vollkommen kostenlos! Woraufwartest Du noch?Lade jetzt kostenlos den Adventskalender auf DeinHandy! Machejetzt Deinen Freunden ein Geschenk.This is theofficialadvent calendar from your friends! Make now your friends agift andput your friends, something under their Christmas tree.Here's how:1. Download Free Download this app2. Sign in with Facebook a3. finding a gift icon from4. Write a short greeting text5. Place the gift in the Advent Calendar!Over millions of gifts this year have already been givenaway.Make now your friends a joy! And the best part: Once you havesenta gift, you will receive your own Advent calendar, where youcanleave YOUR friends gifts. All this is completely free! What areyouwaiting for? Download now free the Advent Calendar on yourmobile!Make now your friends a gift.
Emma's Love Story 1.2.4
social sweethearts GmbH
This is Emma's love story: there is thiscuteguy at the coffee shop, but she is too shy to approach him.Sheneeds your help, to to conquer her crush's heart!Every day on her way to work, she daydreams of the stranger’sgreeneyes. And every day she is too shy to talk to him... Now it’syourturn! This unique game experience allows you to advice Emma.Youcan choose: answer immediately or at a later date. Emma willaskyou questions and your answers will decide how she needstoproceed.This interactive story is a true game of love full ofunexpectedtwists and unanswered love."Love Story" is is a member of social sweetheartsGmbH'sstory-teller project.
Oops I'm in Love 1.0.1
social sweethearts GmbH
"Oops, I fell in love” is an interactivestorythat revolves around a chance encounter with a girl with a boywhomakes her giddy with the little things he says. As they get toknoweach other, they discover flaws and imperfections that maketheirpotential relationship unsustainable, but their instantvisceralattraction towards each other compels them to keep talkingto eachother anyway.Reply to the messages of the extremely charming man youaccidentallyspilled coca cola on at the hotel you’re staying in onyourvacation. He goes through the trouble of finding your numberandcontacting you and then showers you with his easy humor andreadywit.As the story moves, you can't help but fall in love withthisstranger who seems to wear his heart on his sleeve.You can pick between a more reserved "hard to get" approach toamore flirtatious one and steer the conversation either way. Innotime you see how genuinely interesting and unpretentious thismanis and within a short period you're sharing inside jokes. Hedropsa bombshell, and you're surprised how it doesn't make you wanttoturn tail and run.Enjoy having these often intense and always excitingconversationswith your new found love interest and get to knowthemintimately.Some options are paid which means you can get involved. Youmightjust end up truly and falling head over heels for this man;youwere warned.Entertaining, funny, embarrassing and suspenseful this is thekindof conversation you need in your life. Learn to acceptdifferencesand imperfections in this true to its name love storysaturatedwith modern world realism sprinkled with some good oldcheesyromance and buckle up for the ride of a lifetime. Get riledup,feel flustered, feel depressed and flabbergasted but don’tbebored. Not even a little bit. Not even at all.
Lost 1.2.2
social sweethearts GmbH
After a plane crash Michael finds himselfloston a desert island, without any help but YOU.Michael communicates with you through interactive messaging.Hislife depends on you taking the right decisions. Help him find awayout of this hopeless situation."Lost" is a new story project from the social sweetheartsGmbH’sstory-teller team. Enjoy the role play and stay tuned forfurtherupdates and new chapters!
Guardian Angel 1.1.5
social sweethearts GmbH
* This app is intended for entertainmentpurposes only and does not provide protection functionality.*I'm your personal guardian angel. I'll watch over you. No matterwhere you go. Just install this app and I'll start protecting youright away. It's completely free and full of love.To enable my protection you'll just have to collect colorful heartsfor me. The more hearts you collect, the stronger my protectionwill get.
Lovestruck in NewYork 1.0.2
Mia is lovestruck in New York andurgentlyneeds your help! This app puts you in the middle of a lovestory,in which you make the decisions. A unique game experienceinreal-time! Will Mia find the right person?The app tells the story of Mia, a single girl in the urbanjungleof New York. Dating is really not easy and when shediscovers herprince in a bar, she desperately needs some goodadvice. Luckily,she has YOU! Because you are suddenly her onlyreachable contact,she explains her situation to you. Now her lovelife is in yourhands!Mia's messages reach you directly from Manhattan in realtime.You have a choice: answer immediately or at a later date. Miaasksyou questions and your answers will decide how sheproceeds.Should she ask him for his number or not? How long shouldshewait until she can call him? And where will their next datetakeplace?Lovestruck in New York is a captivating, funny and romanticstoryabout the perfect kiss and great love. Hot dates andunexpectedtwists guaranteed! Mia is depending on you ...Can you guide her to a happy ending?
Scam Apps Detector 1.0
social sweethearts GmbH
Scan your phone to detect useless orevenharmful applications on your device. There are a lot of appswhichlure users with promising features. Some of them do not workasdescribed, some do not work at all. Other apps ship withspyware,bloatware or other malware.The scam apps detector is a small and minimalistic app whichwillsearch your phone for those apps and offer you the possibilitytouninstall them immediately.
Stickertest 1.1.5
social sweethearts GmbH
Share your Stickertest results on Snapchat. Stickertest is yourfree app for fun and challenging personality tests, quizzes andmini games. How to play: 1. Install this app 2. Play a quiz and getyour result instantly 3. Share it on Snapchat Learn about yourstrengths and weaknesses and see what kind of person you reallyare. Get your result within just a few seconds and discuss it withyour friends! Please write to us at about anyissues, questions, quiz idea proposals or bugs - thank you!Disclaimer: All content is provided for fun and entertainmentpurposes only This app uses data and contents only if they arepublicly available or with the consent of the users. We kindly askyou to use the app only, if other users will not be affectedadversely.